So you want a Travis Bean?
So you want a Travis Bean? It seems like the Travis Bean owner can be broken down into two groups, musicians and collectors. Of course you could be both as well. As an investment, the Bean is undeniable. When I first bought my Bean, TB1000 Standards were running around $900 - $1000 in 1998 - 2000. Now, you can easily pay $2500+ for a Standard. The bassist in our band paid $2000 for his TB4000 Wedge in 2002, now prices for a wedge are astronomical! The return on investment is definitely there, but has the market topped out? I mean, how high can they really go? The bottom line, there is a finite number of Beans, they'll never be more, making the supply low. Everyday, interest is growing and growing for these guitar and basses, making the demand high. I can see prices going higher.
Now, I'm not a collector, even though I would like more Beans. I'd like to have a couple of models. I wanted an Artist, and I did pick up an Artist once (where I purchased a stolen guitar off of eBay), I'm still a big big fan of the later numbered Standards with black finish color.. yeah.. I'd like one of those one day. The TB3000 wedge would be cool, but the chances of me finding one and the chances of me affording one are slim to none, so I never think about the wedge. The point of me owning a Travis Bean is solely tone, nothing comes close (well those Electricals by Kevin B. come close). I've always liked the 'soul' I felt that my Bean has. The hands it passed through throughout the years after it was made. The shows and bands it may have been a part of. Along with the tone, there is a kinship... I like that.
If you're a musician, and you're interested in getting a Bean, my advice to you is to be patient. Good deals pop up, and when they do you need to be ready. Also get active in the Bean community here. Get on the forums, you might find yourself meeting an individual that is ready to sell, but they don't want to go through eBay, and they need the cash. It happens, you just need to ready when it does. I also brought in eBay auctions dealing with Travis Bean and Kramer guitars into the site, you can check out what's happening by going here. Now, why am I bringing in Kramer auctions? For the same reason I brought up Electrical guitars above. I think Electricals and Kramers might be a great alternative to a Bean. If you're dying for that aluminum tone, but can't find that Bean, you could always jump on these guitars. You may love them and never look for a Bean again, or you might play that guitar or bass while you find that great Bean deal you've been waiting for.
Phew... working on the Bean site is hard work. Why not buy me a beer so I can cool off? If this site has been helpful in finding or selling your Bean, or increased your knowledge of this great guitar/bass, how about buying me a beer? (Suggested: $3 a beer or $7.50 for a pitcher)
Submitted on 09/30/2006 at 9:41 AM
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