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Posted: 12/06/2008 at 9:29 AM Post subject: what finish to use? |
I am refinishing a TB2000 back to Koa. It had a terrible paint job from 2 owners back or more, #277 in the database. I have stripped it down to bare bare wood as the original finish had been already sanded or stripped. I was able to uncover the serial number under the overspray and it matches. I have a couple of holes to fill on the front and a few on the back otherwise it is in really good shape. The question is to do lacquer as original or I was thinking of doing polyester. Will the poly effect the sound? I think the value is already degraded thanks to the owner who ruined it in the first place. Will the value go down more with Poly, go up with lacquer? It will be played by a few people in our family and friends garage band and I would like it to look good for a while. The poly is a much harder finish not to mention quicker to do. Any thoughts are appreciated and I will post pictures of the progress. Thanks, Glen
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Posted: 12/06/2008 at 10:29 AM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
I would definately go with nitro lacquer. If it is professionally done with many thin coats (very important not spray can finish) you should be able to get it looking very close to original and with a few years of playing wear even better. Poly finish is easier, but would devalue the instrument compared to nitro laqquer IMHO.
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Posted: 12/06/2008 at 11:09 AM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
Thanks Charlie, I will be doing it myself, I do have the knowledge and equipment to do it right. it will not be spray can! I have refinished my share of furniture and painted cars so I hope I can manage a guitar. I am a die hard do it myself type person. I would do 9 or more coats of Lacquer which is the direction I have been leaning. The Poly is interesting due to less work, deep gloss finish and longer wear, just not authentic. Glen
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Posted: 12/07/2008 at 6:32 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
That's cool that you're posting photos of your progress!!!!
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Posted: 12/07/2008 at 8:14 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
KG, I guess that comes from belonging to too many automotive forums. Its habit to post progress pictures plus I think it is helpful for anyone who may want to try it. I am the type to read what I can find on a project and then jump right in. As far as my progress so far I am trying several different color fillers to fill 2 holes on the front and 1 in the back. I am going to have to blend a couple together for 1 of the holes since it is in the darker grain. I can't figure out why someone would paint over this wood. I was afraid it might not be a good looking piece but after stripping and sanding it is quite a nice piece. I can't wait to start spraying on the finish. Glen
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Posted: 12/13/2008 at 2:18 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
Added some pictures after many coats of lacquer. Waiting for drying, sanding and polishing. I may have to add more lacquer depending on how it sands out. Glen
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Posted: 12/14/2008 at 3:11 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
Glen, you might think I'm being fussy, but it looks like there is too much orange peel texture in your finish. I think you might be putting it on too thick. Very light thin coats are the key to a nice pro finish....maybe its just the photos, but I figured i might as well give you my 2 bits....Orange peely refins are the kiss of death IMHO. The original Bean finishes were really smooth and glassy. I think I saw someone say they did over 20 coats in the factory, but I could be wrong about that.
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Posted: 12/14/2008 at 3:23 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
Charlie, The nice thing about lacquer is that you sand it smooth and polish after spraying. It is a little bumpy right now, I plan to sand and check if I need more coats, then sand again and polish. I have at least 15 coats so far. Glen
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Posted: 12/14/2008 at 4:56 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
| sounds like you know what you are doing....should be a beautiful Travis Bean when you are done!
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Posted: 12/31/2008 at 4:38 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
Still working on the finish, been too cold to add more lacquer recently. It still needs a few more coats. Happy New Year Glen
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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Posted: 02/02/2009 at 12:36 PM Post subject: RE:what finish to use? |
Nice job Glen!
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