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I'd like to build a TB3000 clone

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Carl Walters

PostPosted: 07/29/2007 at 12:36 PM    Post subject: I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link

I'd like to have a go at trying to build a TB3000 clone (having discovered that my brother-in-law just happens to have a cnc machine and lots of experience making aluminim bits and pieces for his Cobra racing car). So my plan is to get him to do the actual milling from plans I provide. Now comes the tricky part! I can find several photographs of TB300s on the web which give arough idea but I'm guessing that just a few photos wouldn't be enough to make a 3D model would it?

Does anyone have any hints they can offer please? Are plans available? Has anyone tried to do this before?

Any help and advice would be very welcome.


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01 Jun 2001
Posts: 1266
PostPosted: 07/29/2007 at 12:42 PM    Post subject: RE:I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link

Hello Carl

Sounds like a fun challenge. I would recommend posting this same question on's forum since there are alot of aluminum wizards there making guitars. I'm sure they'd have some advice.

I would also hope that Kevin B. of EGC would see this on either board. He know a lot about the specs of the Beans and I think he would be able to give you some info. My guess is that the neck is the same for all guitars, just the body is different. There have been a few people to clone the necks (EGC and Bailey to name two).

Now, the body might be tricky since it's a arched/carved top.

Good luck! And.. let us know what you find out. I'm sure other would be interested in this too. The 3000 is a sweet guitar.


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16 Mar 2007
Posts: 147
PostPosted: 07/30/2007 at 3:54 AM    Post subject: RE:I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link

The neck shouldnt be a problem for someone with CNC experience, but the bodies are bit involved.

The Wedges were more or less hand carved. They used an pantograph to get the rought shape in off a master template and then brought the rest in.

The few Ive done have been by hand using various router bits(big) and alot of hands on carving. Pantographs are very cool, but again you need a template.

I wouldnt bother trying to CNC the body, it would most likely prove to be way too much trouble. Even someone well versed in CAD and CAM would have a hell of a time doing it right. Ill be glad to help if I can.

In the next couple of days Ill post my latest attempt at the wedge carving and see if its what your after.

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Carl Walters

PostPosted: 07/31/2007 at 9:34 AM    Post subject: RE:I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link

Thanks for all the replies - I'm still digging around.

I found this article which is a good read

but the scale length has to be a mistake doesn't it? I'm guessing it should be 24.75" for the Wedge?

Can anyone confirm this please?



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Carl Walters

PostPosted: 07/31/2007 at 9:35 AM    Post subject: RE:I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link

Hi Kevin,

thanks for the reply (people are really helpful around here :) )

I look forward to seeing your carving.



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Carl Walters

PostPosted: 08/02/2007 at 6:22 AM    Post subject: RE:I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link

OK first steps.

We're trying to verify the exact dimensions of a TB3000 from a picture on this site (TB3000 #1546 picture #2) site and trying to match up with the dimensions which are given on this page http://www.autohobbydiges.....m_guitars/travisbean.html

Actual Width : 14.50", Length : 39.50", Scale : 24.75"

When we use screen callipers to measure from the picture (using the width of 14.50" as a reference) then we get

Photo Width : 14.50", Length : 46.60", Scale : 28.67"

Since the photo shows the guitar leaning backwards very slightly then I would expect the Lenght and Scale Length to be slightly smaller but we measure them as about 16-18% bigger.



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Greg Bailey

PostPosted: 08/21/2007 at 2:35 PM    Post subject: RE:I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link


Carl, you are on the right track here, but you used the wrong dimension to base your findings.

Here's what I did. I went to great lenths to try to figure this thing out because I too want to build a Wedge. I figured and figured and I came up with a body that is 20 inches by 12.5 inches. Sounds wrong, right?? I got my numbers by comparing a Standard body I have, to pix of a Wedge body. I compared the openings in the body I have to the openings in the picture, you know, things like the pickup holes. Anyway, I came up with 20 X 12.5 for the body. While I was working on a reply to your post, I got to thinking about what you found. Your findings ended up with a scale of 28.67, right? Well, if you figure the correct scale of 24.75 and divide it by the 28.67. you get .86327........ If you multiply your width number of 14.5 by the .86327..... You get 12.517.... VERY close to the 12.5 I got.

So, what I'm thinking is, some of the numbers on that web page are wrong, I think the numbers only apply to Standards and Artists, not the Wedge.

Does this make sense? I have been working on this for a while and I consistantly get 20 inches by 12.5. Try these numbers and see what you get and let me know. It'll a while till I start actually making a body, but I am interested in what other people come up with. If it was for me, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but I intend to sell this once it's done and I want it to be accurate.


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12 Apr 2018
Posts: 1
PostPosted: 04/12/2018 at 9:19 PM    Post subject: RE:I'd like to build a TB3000 clone link

Hello, If you are looking for 1:1 build plans I have some for sale

I can email them to you if you're interested

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