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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
Posts: 83
Posted: 10/15/2009 at 10:26 PM Post subject: Artisto Kramer on ebay - what? |
Someone with quite an imagination is advertising an "artisto" Kramer guitar for $88,000 (yes, eighty eight thousand dollars) on ebay.
He mentions Travis Bean in the long description.
What do you make of it?
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Joined: 29 Jul 2008
Posts: 49
Posted: 10/16/2009 at 8:53 AM Post subject: RE:Artisto Kramer on ebay - what? |
Hey Peggy. That is just a standard Kramer 650G, which was known as their 'artist' model. It was the top of the line model for the initial series of Kramer guitars. They are quite nice, and that one in particular is in very good shape, but it is certainly not a one of a kind or anything.
Who knows for sure about the ownership aspect of that particular guitar...it doesn't seem that it would matter much as it supposedly belonged to an executive and not a famous player or anything.
I would imagine that guitar would realistically go for $900-$1400.
That seller is completely out of his/her mind.
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