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Ron C
Posted: 12/28/2004 at 5:10 PM Post subject: Pickguard needed, Help! |
I need a pickguard (Chrome? Steele? Aluminium?) for a TB100S.
Also not sure what kind of knobs belong on here. were there some made especially for Travis Bean guitars?
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Geoff Fosdick
Posted: 12/30/2004 at 9:46 PM Post subject: RE:Pickguard needed, Help! |
Hello Ron, I own a TB1000S. It is nearly impossible to get an NOS pickguard for this guitar. The original pickguard is stainless steel, made out of the same material as the control cover on the back of the body. The knobs are either clear or black speed knobs Gibson style. My instrument #810 has clear. Regards, Geoff
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Posted: 02/03/2005 at 7:41 PM Post subject: RE:Pickguard needed, Help! |
Thanks. I'll keep looking, but won't hold my breath.
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