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Looking for a left handed Bean

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brian g

PostPosted: 02/10/2003 at 4:46 PM    Post subject: Looking for a left handed Bean link

looking for a left handed bean.I have only seen one.Travis made it custom for his wife.Does anyone know if others are out there?

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PostPosted: 02/11/2003 at 1:07 PM    Post subject: RE:Looking for a left handed Bean link

I'm pretty sure I've seen a right handed Bean that was "converted" to be left handed....

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15 Aug 2001
Posts: 69
PostPosted: 02/12/2003 at 8:48 AM    Post subject: RE:Looking for a left handed Bean link

The lefty's are rare, and usually expensive. You'd be better off getting a righty standard, then it wouldn't be hard at all to have a lefty body made for it. The shapes are simple and the routs are not at all complicated. Then just cut a new nut and your done. In the long run this would probably be cheaper and easier than trying to find a lefty. Good Luck

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brian g

PostPosted: 02/27/2003 at 3:00 PM    Post subject: RE:Looking for a left handed Bean link

Can the nut be converted or is it married to the neck?

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Chris Hall

01 Jun 2001
Posts: 132
PostPosted: 04/14/2003 at 1:48 PM    Post subject: RE:Looking for a left handed Bean link

IF you were to buy a righty and want to have a lefty body made, you *can* have the nut flipped (as I did on my now lefty TB 4000 (#37 in the database) but one thing you'll also have to do is have a new "channel" cut in to the neck (under the body) for the pickup wiring. On a righty, the channel for the wires is on the right side of the neck (looking at it on a guitar stand with no body) but since your new control cavity will be on the left side of the new body, you'll need to have a channel cut on the left side of the neck for the new wire placement. To help clarify... when you take the body off, the part of the neck that's between the pickups is hollow... and the channel is cut in to the top of the "wall" of the hollow area. Take the body off a righty of you buy one and see if that still makes sense. You could probably dig a new channel out with a dremel tool.

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PostPosted: 10/09/2006 at 3:32 PM    Post subject: RE:Looking for a left handed Bean link

There's one on this sites Database. TB1000a #1189. So there are more than just the one you mentioned I am sure.

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PostPosted: 10/10/2006 at 5:32 PM    Post subject: RE:Looking for a left handed Bean link

mine is also an original lefty tb1000 standard, no. 1394 (it's in the database with pics).
the one made for travis' wife was #1395.

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PostPosted: 10/30/2006 at 10:53 PM    Post subject: Preved Medvedi! link

Preved Medvedi!

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