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Travis Bean documentary!

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11 Dec 2008
Posts: 106
PostPosted: 01/24/2009 at 7:25 PM    Post subject: Travis Bean documentary! link

Very cool!

(... hint ... hint ... Peggy, here's your shot at doing a little writing )


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24 Dec 2007
Posts: 260
PostPosted: 01/24/2009 at 9:46 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Hank this is really really great! I look forward to hearing how things progress.... totally exciting.

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01 Jun 2001
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PostPosted: 01/25/2009 at 6:09 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Here is a link with more information...

We're excited about finishing the project.. which is a bit away still.


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29 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: 01/26/2009 at 9:32 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

awesome! cant wait to this. i really love the tb community - passionate souls, with great taste.

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08 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: 01/26/2009 at 9:42 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Just donated to help the movie. Can't wait to see it. Good luck!

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25 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: 01/30/2009 at 2:42 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Is Gallo going to be in it??

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12 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: 02/25/2009 at 10:46 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

that little preview clip looks great!

keep 'em coming!

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11 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: 09/10/2009 at 4:32 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

... this post ( ) on the Telecaster board

.... with this

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08 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: 03/22/2010 at 2:55 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

What's up with this project? Any updates?

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Peter Doran

27 Dec 2007
Posts: 8
PostPosted: 04/05/2010 at 10:04 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Frankly, I was disappointed. The trailer seems a bit boring. Hank is obviously not a natural filmmaker and he is far from a skilled documentarian. There is no clear connection between the musicians who appear in the film and the generation of musicians who were around when the guitar was built. Furthermore, no one appearing in the trailer has real charisma, which had me second-guessing my own interest in the Travis Bean guitar itself. I felt embarrassed to be in any way a part of the group appearing in the film.
The most disturbing thing is Hank's request for donations to finish the film. Two reasons: First, all films are produced with an understanding of the film distribution market place. This film's appeal may be obtuse to the point of useless. If the only people interested in seeing the film are those who appear in the film and a few forum-ites, then what function does the film serve other than to glorify Hank's ego and the ego of the musicians who appear. The trailer suggests Hank is not able to transcend himself as person or to transcend the subject matter, and most likely the film will never have real distribution"so it is almost like printing your own novel.
The other thing that bothers me is Hank himself as the moderator of this site and the producer and director of the film. Here Hank poses as a bystander whose function is to objectively serve the Travis Bean community. He presented himself as someone with no self-interest and no ego or financial motivations at least regarding Travis Beans. No it seems this entire site was part of a deeper desire. Reflecting back, I am more suspicious of Hank's motivation in allowing legendary filmmaker Vincent Gallo to be abused here and eventually flea. Was Hank jealous of Mr. Gallo all along? Maybe. Mr. Gallo is certainly more knowledgeable and passionate about Travis Bean guitars than anyone else out there; he is certainly engaging and entertains regardless of whether you love him or hate him. Yet Mr. Gallo does not seem to be included in the film. Strange¦
Nothing said here is intended to be mean spirited and I am only offering my humble opinion on a subject being discussed here. I am completely open to others' views and I hope my comments lead to further enlightenment.
If Hank does not allow my opinions to remain alive here because they hurt his ego, then I suggest he get out of the film business now as critics often have much harsher things to say.

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01 Jun 2001
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PostPosted: 04/05/2010 at 11:20 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Hello Peter

Thanks for the input on the teaser.

I would like to address the 'disturbing' request for donations you bring up. This film was not started to fit a distribution market place. It was to record and document the Travis Bean story from the perspective of the builders and the players past and present. It was initially conceived after the passing of Obe a couple of years ago. That personally sparked a desire to talk with the people involved with the TBG shop. We understand that the subject may be 'obtuse', but we're hoping to bring out the human story related within. This project has been 99% self funded by everyone involved with the film, and we were just asking for help to see it the rest of the way through. If we don't get another cent, the film will still be finished, and financed by us. We appreciate everyone that has pitched in, and appreciate all the kind words of support and open doors offered by all.

We have no plans for when this is completed, but our goal and focus right now... is to just finish the film.

I would also like to point out that these are simply 'teasers' for the documentary. We have just started the very initial stages of organizing clips for editing. All teasers are simply showing small grouping of clips with themes. We still have much more footage to shoot, and we're waiting to complete shooting before any serious editing is made.

I would also like to stress and emphasize that this project has been a team effort from the start.


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02 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: 04/06/2010 at 11:32 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

@Peter Doran:

While you personally may not see any relevance to the film - marketing, distribution, etc - I would like to point out, maybe obviously, that this documentary is about passion. If you are, as you say, "second-guessing my own interest in the Travis Bean guitar itself" then I wouldn't expect you to understand what Hank's goals are in the first place. Whether or not the film is an amazing feat of climatic art, or documentarian wizardry is beside the point; it is about having passion and realizing that passion to the end. For that, I think Hank is doing an amazing job.

That said, you do bring up a good point about Gallo and the film: Love him or hate him, Vincent was very passionate and knowledgeable about TB guitars - and gear in general - and I would hope that he would be included in the film (that is if he accepts the offer).

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04 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: 04/06/2010 at 2:20 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

@ Peter Doran

Wow what a nasty, mean-spirited post. You couldn't even wait for the film to be released to trash everyone in it and associated with it. You even stooped so low as to try and discourage donations and funding. Nice hatchet job there pal.

Debating the artistic merits of a documentary based on a trailer or two is silly. The mass appeal of the Travis Bean film can't be predicted. But I admire and respect Hank and his co-producers for having the guts and the gumption and the passion to make the film. I think it has the potential to appeal to a broad audience. If not, so be it.

I do take issue with your revisionist history regarding Vincent Gallo's participation and departure from this web site. Vincent Gallo did not flee this site. He was banned after he threatened a lawsuit. He then requested that all of his posts be removed and that request was honored.

Gallo's departure came very quickly after Hank made public the in-progress documentary. It seems that the "legendary" Vincent Gallo was not able to transcend his role as a bystander in the film making process and his anger and jealousy at being excluded from the movie was more than his ego could bear.

I dispute that Vincent Gallo was ever "abused" on this site. If he was he certainly dished it out as well as he got it and he reveled in the mud flinging. Gallo is the guy who posted that when he dies he plans to have all of his TBs burned on a bonfire with the necks melted and forged into butt plugs for every member of this site. Such a nice guy, don't you think? Hank pulled down the most toxic posts of Gallo and his combatants and he was quite fair about it.

I do want to defend Hank and all that he has done in the pursuit of his passion for Travis Bean instruments. It takes guts to step outside of your normal work and family life to create a web site and to make a movie about something you care deeply about. Hank isn't paid for any of the work he does on this site. He does it because he is passionate about Travis Bean guitars. That's the same reason he is making the movie.

Maybe the movie won't live up to your artistic standards. I couldn't care less because your post was more about trying to be hurtful to the film and the producers and the potential funders than saying anything meaningful or constructive about the artistic merits of the trailer.

I salute the effort that Hank and his co-producers are making and I am very much looking forward to seeing the finished film.

Peter Mayer

P.S. I think there are a lot of people who will buy tickets to watch Steve Albini talk about his Travis Bean fixation.

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24 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: 04/06/2010 at 2:33 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Hi Hank,

I came across and wondered if you'd considered it (or something like it) as a source of funding.

Hope it's going well.

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13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: 04/06/2010 at 2:36 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link know the deal.
i am definitely gonna buy my copy.

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09 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: 04/08/2010 at 2:51 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Im up for a copy. Oh and does anyone know if the VG buttplugs will come with imron coating or not?

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22 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: 04/08/2010 at 3:39 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

dont let it bring you down, hank. the film is important. the number of people that will want to know the full story of these instruments will most likely grow over time as more people buy current generation aluminum instruments and start to get interested in the full history. and, yea, there are a folks out there that weren't loved by their mamas and desperately seek attention even if its getting it by being a moron on some internet forum.

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11 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: 04/08/2010 at 4:07 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

@ Peter Doran


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Peter Doran

27 Dec 2007
Posts: 8
PostPosted: 04/08/2010 at 9:40 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Dear All,

After my last post, Hank politely replied to my comments and critique by offering very thoughtful insight to his thinking and the process he is working with. Thank you Hank. I understand Hank's view better even though I still feel differently than he does.

I was playing professionally when the Bean guitars first appeared and remember how fascinating the guitar was at that time. Keith Levene of Public Image fame was so original and in such an important band that his Travis Bean loyalty made me notice the brand. Stanley Jordon was not my cup of tea, but he too made the guitar brand linger in my thoughts.

I simply stated one of the most disappointing things about the teaser was the musicians representing the Travis Bean guitar. This group of loyalists were not around when the guitar was really revolutionary and much more significant.

I argue that it does not really matter what guitar Steve Albini uses, as his notoriety comes more from being a music producer. He was lucky to be in the right place at the right time for that, but let's not exaggerate his guitar legend. Realistically, in the history of rock guitar Steve Albini is too far down the list to make his choice of guitar compelling. He also uses a modified guitar, which insults Travis Bean's perfect design.
Certainly Albini and everyone else in the teaser have their fans. My point is that as a whole the group of Bean loyalists in the film does not have real iconic or cult status and certainly they do not have very much personal charisma.

I brought up donations and marketplace because I feel without a defined marketplace or a film made with a broader audience in mind, then the film is only self-serving.

I feel Travis Bean the man and the guitar deserve better. Steven Martin's 1995 film, "Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey" served the instrument, the maker and the historical context so well (and did so within a mainstream marketplace) that several thousand people who had never heard of Theremin before suddenly did and they cared. Travis Bean deserves real historical context, public celebration, and a film that will make many people care.

I stated Hank was suspiciously tough on Vincent Gallo and here again Hank is allowing Vincent Gallo bashing to remain on the site. Hank has never allowed another member to be abused or lied about the way Vincent Gallo is. I am also a little surprised he is allowing the vulgarity directed towards me to remain here.
I know for a fact Hank had never banned Vincent Gallo from this site. Instead Gallo stopped attending and requested his posts be removed. In spite of these facts, Hank chooses to leave boulder bean's childish lie posted.

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06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: 04/09/2010 at 10:34 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

I have not posted in a long time, but I feel I must defend Hank and his efforts. In the interest of being brief I would agree with Boulder Bean's comments and urge that they not be removed.

Clearly this film project is a labor of love from Hank and his collaborators. I cannot imagine that they will make money from the project, but I hope for their sakes that they don't lose money.

In my opinion the efforts of this documentary are heroic in that they are documenting this guitar and the story of its production during a brief window when many of the original factory employees as well as Travis Bean himself are still alive. I am impressed with Hank's resolve and determination to push this project forward especially in such uncertain economic times.

Regardless of who sees the film at its initial release, the project will be a valuable document of American industrial design, innovation and production. The real story of the Travis Bean guitar should be viewed in a larger historical context. In my opinion this film/document will serve future generations when personalities will only be footnotes (at best) to history.

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04 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: 04/09/2010 at 3:10 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

@ Peter Doran

Your follow-up comments on the lack of a truly iconic Bean player in the upcoming movie are well taken. Too bad Garcia is dead, but there are others out there who perhaps might consent to an interview. Keith Richards would be a nice addition. Lee Ranaldo would be great.

Your initial post came across as a personal attack on the film makers, their qualifications to make this movie, and their fund raising efforts. Was that your intention? Again, I don't think this film can or should be judged on the basis of couple of trailers. My understanding is that about half the film will focus on the history of the Travis Bean brand and the creation of the instruments. I'm looking forward to footage from the Travis Bean employee reunion event. I don't think the trailers have touched on this stuff much at all.

Regarding the Vincent Gallo banning, I'm simply reporting what was explained to me by Hank at the time it happened. I may be misinformed, but I'm not a liar. The butt plug funeral pyre incident is true as well. I'm sure others who have been on this forum as long as I have will vouch for me.

@ gse1 - LOL! I'm not sure about the coating, but I'm definitely putting in an order for one with a thin body and narrow horns.

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24 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: 04/10/2010 at 10:38 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Perhaps Mr. Doran will tell us how he is privy to such insider information, as to the intentions of Mr. Gallo. Or perhaps he will not.

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17 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: 10/21/2010 at 3:58 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

any update on this, it seems to have gone quiet??

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01 Jun 2001
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PostPosted: 10/21/2010 at 8:30 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Hello shinkiro

Thanks for asking. I'll be putting another update on the movie site in the next few days. We got back from Chicago in end of September and had a few more interviews as well as capturing some live footage. Things are moving forward still.. slowly, but surely.


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17 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: 10/21/2010 at 12:15 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Thanks for that, good to see its still on the way. REALLY looking forward to this one as the trailers look quality. Hopefully awards beckon :)

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20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: 10/21/2010 at 10:49 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Omigosh! I'm just now reading your posts from last April and I'm dying laughing ...

Travis and Marc and the guys at the shop used to keep me laughing so hard I went home with my tummy aching.

I will go to sleep tonight giggling about molten aluminum fanny plugs ... and remembering the good ol' days at the shop.


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02 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: 10/25/2010 at 12:37 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link


I'm glad to hear that the documentary is moving forward; I'm really excited for you (and of course for the movie).


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23 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: 04/16/2011 at 2:48 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean documentary! link

Any news Hank?

Very excited about it!

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