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Joined: 21 May 2012
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Posted: 09/10/2013 at 6:43 PM Post subject: Travis Bean, TB1000S #332 back from the Dead ! |
Just wanna share the story of the #332
I bought the #332 Neck Two years ago. I don't know the exact story and why it was alone: no body, no pickups, just the neck. My friend Yoann from Guitar Garage in Paris France made a new body in Korina. He made an incredible job. My friend franck made me a natural finish but I'm more a black guitar guy. Originally I put some Hepcat Pickups made by my friend Stéphane Beaussart on it but of course without the original TB cover.
I moved from France to California one Year ago so I thought it was the time to ask to Kevin Burkett from Electrical Guitar Compagny to improve my Travis Bean. A new black finish, direct replacement Pickups, and correct the defects. Now it's perfect, and my dream comes true: I play a Travis Bean.
Thanks to all the people who brought back from the dead the #332.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
Posts: 93
Posted: 09/11/2013 at 4:32 AM Post subject: RE:Travis Bean, TB1000S #332 back from the Dead ! |
great story. enjoy!
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