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Welcome to the Unofficial Travis Bean Guitar Resource Web Site.

This site has absolutely no ties with the Travis Bean Guitar Manufacturer, except for being a fan of the guitar itself. The purpose of this site is to provide a platform for people interested in the various Travis Bean guitars/basses, or if you're interested in knowing about or purchasing this guitar or bass for your vintage guitar collection.

Travis Bean Guitars will provide a "starting" point for people just learning about the Travis Bean guitar/bass as well as a useful resource for the "bean" veteran.

There is so much information related to Beans on the web, but is often scattered and updated infrequently. I wanted to gather some of this information as a base, but let you, the fan, provide the bulk of the content. If any of you have useful repair tips and modifications let me know about them. Also, the database is designed to catalog all the beans out there. If you own a bean... submit that information, including all the specs. I am always looking for any historic information as well, so please share your stories!

If you're a long time player of the Gibson Les Paul or Fender Stratocaster, but were looking for that unusual or unique tone that you weren't getting, a Travis Bean guitar or bass might be something worth exploring. Bean owners love their instruments and they're hard to come by now-a-days, but if you're lucky, you might be able to pick one up. I've added the 'Bean Bands' section where you can explore what styles and tones that can be achieved with this guitar. Please visit their sites and ask questions, I hope to see you around.