Joined: 21 Oct 2011
Posts: 9
Posted: 10/30/2013 at 6:39 PM Post subject: The Germans |
Just read that the German company that calles themselfes Travis Beans are planning to make aluminum neck instruments in 2014.
As I get it they have nothing to do with Travis Bean and their new series of instruments must be considered as copies.
Do they make good wooden instruments and why do they call themselfes Travis Bean?
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Joined: 01 Jun 2001
Posts: 58
Posted: 01/21/2014 at 12:13 PM Post subject: RE:The Germans |
Not sure the exact story but unlikely they are officially licensed to be using the Travis Bean name, plus these guitars are made of wood! Blasphemy.
Travis Bean's family and Electrical Guitar Company have joined forces to finally see the 'official' 1997 reissues into production: http://www.travisbeandesigns.com
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