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Posted: 05/15/2002 at 10:39 PM Post subject: Help! My Tb1000A is possessed |
hey there, i have had an artist for three years now, but lately it goes out of tune during every song! sometimes the strings actually get tighter (sharp) not just looser. maybe its cheap strings?
also any recommendations for bean guitar strings, i play very hard and rock out often.
has anyone had this happen?
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jack jones
Posted: 05/16/2002 at 9:44 AM Post subject: RE:Help! My Tb1000A is possessed |
My experience is that after the first song I play, the whole guitar goes sharp b/c the neck has warmed and expanded. Then I tune up and it usually behaves from there. Though if the neck isn't totally warmed up it'll go a little sharp after that.
I don't know why it would do that after every song. Maybe it happens after the first few songs? as the neck warms.
I read about a band who had a roadie use a blow dryer on the neck of a Bean to expand it before it hit the stage.
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Posted: 05/28/2002 at 6:10 PM Post subject: RE:Help! My Tb1000A is possessed |
thanks alot jack
that makes sense
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