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Posted: 02/04/2007 at 6:44 AM Post subject: Value of TB2000 |
What is the value of a TB2000 bass, Some slight wear from where my thumb rested. It 's # 799, it has the brown coating on the back of the neck. Is any one interested in buying this?
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Posted: 02/04/2007 at 1:36 PM Post subject: RE:Value of TB2000 |
depends on a couple of things. is it a natrual wood finish or a finished color? that will normally vary the price (the finished colors being slightly rarer).
i would normally estimate 2000-3000. i'm sure if you put it on ebay you could get what you want for it.
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Posted: 03/11/2007 at 12:49 PM Post subject: RE:Value of TB2000 |
I may be interested in your bass. Can you send some pictures? Thank you.
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