Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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Posted: 12/23/2009 at 12:46 AM Post subject: 2010 Travis Bean reissue |
What is keeping Travis from Reissuing the Bean. It is a really simple design. He was early to the party with the first reissue. It seems if he were to reissue them again in maybe a limited batch of 100 and take pre orders it would be a slam dunk. I am so tired of travis beans that need re frets, or the nut shimmed, or have had a midi pickup installed. All of the good beans have been snatched up by lame collectors. Currently it seems there are only dud beans on the market. A fresh batch of Beans would be so cool. I would lay my money down for sure.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2008
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Posted: 12/23/2009 at 7:58 AM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
You're so tired of 'dud' Beans? If a 30 some year old guitar needs a refret, how big of a deal is that? The 97 reissues seemed to have problems all their own. I know that the owner of 3 reissue basses has had the fret board pop right off three times. Plus they came with Carvin pickups. I don't mean to sound like a jerk, I was just surprised by your post. Have you played an ECG? It will change your life. I recently had a friend over who has a 500 and a 1000 and he was very impressed with my ECG. There were even some aspects of the construction that he liked better. (Not to mention they sound ******* killer and they are about half the cost new of a used TB). I have had many guitars and my ECG has made me forget about every one of them, and it has pretty much cured my years long obsession for a TB. I would sincerely suggest you check them out. Merry Christmas, happy holidays to all on the forum.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2004
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Posted: 12/23/2009 at 9:55 AM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
TomWanderer is right on target. Older instruments require care and love. A refret or nut shim is normal maintenance. Anyone jonesing for a new metal neck has some terrific choices in 2010. EGC's are tremendous (I have a Custom 500) and the Bastin instruments that we're starting to see photos of look great too.
I'm not eager for another TB re-issue. Part of what is so cool about Beans is the fact that they are old and there are only a few thousand of them in existence.
It is true that many good Beans are in the hands of collectors (lame and otherwise), but there are still good instruments out there. It takes time and patience and (usually) money to connect with the right one.
Happy New Year Beaners! Rock on into the new decade. Peace.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2008
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Posted: 12/23/2009 at 7:57 PM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
For my fellow post-garage rock/alternative rock colleagues that are getting back into playing, Beans have such a killer sound (once you put the time in/get your chops back and get your gear/tone together).
I was off the grid for 20 years and started playing again last year. And if you are primarily a single coil Fender guitar kind of guy, it is going to take some time to figure this guitar out!
My Bean neck is so, so flat, it's almost slightly concave and is just so different from my 69 Telecaster neck. It took me a year to realize that the bridge Bean HB is the ultimate Telecaster Neck pickup (single coil or HB)!
Regarding old beat up Beans, ¦ new saddles and a pro set up/fret job and you are in business.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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Posted: 12/24/2009 at 1:05 AM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
you guys are so smart. Your right. I will run right out to the next guitar show and buy the first bean I see. I had no idea you could re fret a guitar or add new saddles! When I say dud bean it is of course subjective. Who on earth would want to buy a reissue wedge any way when you can go out and buy a refinished standard with a neck profile you do not like from a shady guitar dealer for 5k! I now remember why I stopped coming to this forum.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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Posted: 12/24/2009 at 1:05 AM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
you guys are so smart. Your right. I will run right out to the next guitar show and buy the first bean I see. I had no idea you could re fret a guitar or add new saddles! When I say dud bean it is of course subjective. Who on earth would want to buy a reissue wedge any way when you can go out and buy a refinished standard with a neck profile you do not like from a shady guitar dealer for 5k! I now remember why I stopped coming to this forum.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2007
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Posted: 12/24/2009 at 9:00 AM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
Slow down there. I don't think anyone was trying to insult you. About official reissues: I can't think of a single reissue guitar on the market that holds a candle to an original classic. There are some alright instruments, sure, but the magic has been lost. Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Rickenbacker, Martin, Mosrite, blah blah. Granted those are all big corporate owned behemoths, but still, how would a Bean 2010 reissue be functionally any different than one of our skilled luthier friends making an exact copy? This is my honest opinion, not an attempt to get all up in it, ok?!
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Joined: 29 Jul 2008
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Posted: 12/24/2009 at 9:02 AM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
Hey man, lighten up. No one is being mean, just responding to your post. Last time the TB was reissued, guess what happened; all the lame collectors were the ones who booked up all the preorders and ruined it again! Not to mention those guitars were 10k or more new, and he only made 6 guitars and 6 basses! Why do you want that to happen again? So we can be further bummed out that we missed out on ANOTHER wave of un-affordable Travis Bean guitars? The TB has been better than reissued, there are now multiple, quality companies and individuals making all kinds of great aluminum guitars. The best part about these? You can get to know the builder, they will make you something to your specs exactly how you want, and if something is wrong, you can get them to fix it! By the way, have you seen the 2 wedge models that Kevin built? they are on the ECG myspace. I got to hold the black one and it was so's a REAL wedge! A BEAUTIFUL, INCREDIBLE WEDGE!!!! Just like a TB, maybe even better and he will build you one by hand, brand new! Check it out!
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Joined: 29 Jul 2008
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Posted: 12/24/2009 at 9:04 AM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
Ha ha...whoops. rlrl snuck his post in while I was typing mine. I was replying to Beandips last post, and not rlrl's (for the record).
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Joined: 29 Feb 2008
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Posted: 12/28/2009 at 6:54 PM Post subject: RE:2010 Travis Bean reissue |
those look very poor
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