Joined: 01 Jun 2001
Posts: 1266
Posted: 04/09/2007 at 2:27 PM Post subject: Image Link Fixed |
It was reported to me that add/mod/del image links was not working correctly. I was able to verify this and fix the code. Sorry to everyone was having trouble adding links to your photos.
On that note.. I get emailed stating that they cannot update their Bean information. 99.9% of the time this is due to adding a Bean first, then becoming a member. You need to be a member first before adding Beans.. this is the only way a Bean can be associated to your membership. I do not want to 'force' membership, that is why you can add a Bean without being a member first.
If you added a Bean then became a member, just shoot me a email via the contact form, and I can make that association for you.
Thanks! admin