Joined: 20 Dec 2005
Posts: 223
Posted: 12/26/2008 at 4:04 PM Post subject: Beans for jazz?? |
Say, does anybody here play old school jazz like Ella Fitzgerald, etc...? I'm just curious because I have discovered this music and have fallen for it. So, I was wondering if anyone uses these guitars for other than punk rock type stuff and rock and roll? Also, speaking of LPs, does anyone happen to own the soundrack to the movie "Lady in Cement"? For whoever has not heard it, it is Hugo Montenagro (I Dream of Jeanie soundtrack) and is awesome. This guy was into experimental musical exploration and did movie and T.V. soundtracks. later on he was big into Moog snthesyzers (sp?). He put out an album calle "Mr. Groovey" using Moog synths
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Joined: 15 Aug 2001
Posts: 69
Posted: 12/26/2008 at 4:45 PM Post subject: RE:Beans for jazz?? |
Personally over the last 5 years I've been playing mostly clean, noodling with some jazz standards(summer times a fun number, autumn leafs as well). The neck position on my artist is really warm and overall the beans can have a good balanced response. I've got my artist strung with flat wounds which takes some of the treble out and eliminates the string buzz.
Anyway, Stanley Jordon used one for awhile, it's also arguable that some of Jerry Garcia's playing was more in a jazz style, Eyes of the World off Without a Net comes to mind (although that was not a Bean on that album).
I've always felt Beans were fairly well rounded tonally. Clean they can really shine.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2007
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Posted: 12/26/2008 at 6:46 PM Post subject: RE:Beans for jazz?? |
Hey John -- I don't know of anyone today playing traditional jazz on a Bean. There are some folks using them for sort of post-jazz avant-garde fusiony stuff of course. I would think that a TB1000 would be a great jazz guitar, especially on the neck pickup. Since a Bean gives you plenty of all kinds of frequencies, it's really up to you to decide how you want to use the sound. Think of a guitarist like Bill Frisell, who plays brilliant country-inspired jazz on a telecaster.
I'm originally a saxophone player and I played mostly jazz for years. After years of playing guitar, I've just started learning some basic jazz chords on guitar. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it sounds great with those Bean humbuckers. Lemme know if you want some recommendations of records to check out!
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Joined: 03 May 2007
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Posted: 12/27/2008 at 9:35 AM Post subject: RE:Beans for jazz?? |
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Matthew Griffiths
Joined: 02 Dec 2008
Posts: 18
Posted: 12/27/2008 at 3:53 PM Post subject: RE:Beans for jazz?? |
heavy gauge strings, sometimes the use of playing with your thumb or a heavy pick also helps. I don't play as much jazz as I would like, but I use the flesh of my thumb when I do. (you can't pick as fast, but I prefer the sound it produces.) I have never had the opportunity to play a Travis Bean, but the Gibsons that Mr. Gallo listed are very nice for jazz or anything else for that matter.
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