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Posted: 05/14/2012 at 3:09 PM Post subject: TB2000 Bridge replacement |
Just got my first bean bass but it doesn't have the original bridge. Anybody know if I can buy a replacement or have a spare original I could buy?
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Posted: 05/14/2012 at 8:22 PM Post subject: RE:TB2000 Bridge replacement |
Contact kevin Burkett at electrical guitar company
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Posted: 05/17/2012 at 9:11 AM Post subject: RE:TB2000 Bridge replacement |
Thanks Quimby
You were correct, Kevin at Electrical Guitars does supply them and I've now ordered one.
Many thanks
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Posted: 02/23/2016 at 2:19 AM Post subject: RE:TB2000 Bridge replacement |
Julian Unsure whether you'll get any type of notification when someone posts here.
#222 was mine about 30 years ago and I'd be happy to share a bit of background information on it if you're interested.
It was in a bit of a mess when I got it - £379 from a guitar shop in Lewisham; the fingerboard was lifting and there was a bridge saddle missing, so I had the neck stripped, the ebony board put on and the BadAss installed. The work was done by a luthier in Twickenham who built these beautiful Baroque instruments. It was fretless for a while. I have photos of the work somewhere.
After a while, I had the neck refretted. The work was done by the late Dick Knight, who worked out of his house somewhere near Guildford. I used it for a few more years, until for a number of reasons trading it in (ABC Music, Addlestone) for a different bass. Back then, no one was interested in Beans. In hindsight, I should have just put it in a bag and left it under the bed.
I often wondered what happened to it and found out it had been sold on eBay in 2012, the seller lives less than 15 miles from my current location. I hope it's working well for you...I'd love to say hello to it again!
Best Paul
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Posted: 05/26/2017 at 2:03 AM Post subject: RE:TB2000 Bridge replacement |
Hello! A year to reply is tardy even by my standards.
Thanks for posting - funnily enough the bloke I bought it off had it under his bed for donkey's years. It would have been a reasonable investment I paid something like £1750 - I thought that was a steal too.
It needed quite a lot of love, a couple of pots were scratchy and had to be replaced, the neck was removed and skimmed down and refretted. I'm not sure the case was the original one.
It's a very nice guitar, I'm not in a band at the moment so it's not getting as much use as it should. It's in Oxford so not too far away from Surrey. Would love to see the photos.
All best, Julian
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Posted: 05/26/2017 at 2:17 AM Post subject: RE:TB2000 Bridge replacement |
Hi Julian I just had a message that someone had responded. LOL.
I didn't have a case for it and spent an uncomfortable few hours on public transport getting it home after the purchase. If you're interested, I'll try and find some photos of the work I had done years ago; it was just fingerboard and bridge work, plus new knobs...pots were original when I sold it on. It would be nice to see how she looks now...I do think about that bass quite often, other stuff I owned not so much.
We gig in Oxford occasionally...played The Bullingdon a few months back and we're doing a Musicians Against Homelessness/Crisis thing at The Cellar on 9th September. We're based in Reading/Wallingford. (wknj.co.uk)
Cheers for the update.
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Posted: 05/26/2017 at 2:33 AM Post subject: RE:TB2000 Bridge replacement |
I'd be more than happy to meet up if you're so close, you can give her a good riff or two, I'll put a note in my diary re the cellar show and check your band out - what's the band's name?
That explains the unoriginal case then - I think they used the same case company as Fender so I could get hold of one of those.
You must feel a bit gutted - I couldn't imagine parting with her.
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Posted: 05/26/2017 at 2:49 AM Post subject: RE:TB2000 Bridge replacement |
I'm gutted now, yes! (Hindsight, eh?)
It was just one of those things I suppose, you're desperate to keep refreshing things at that age and I was a strictly one-bass-at-a-time back then. I'd always had this unhealthy obsession with buying and trading, but more importantly, never going back to a bass that I'd had previously, so I was never going to go back to a TB2000 despite having the option a few years ago. I've had a long-standing love-affair with Gibson Thunderbirds which after about ten passing through my hands over the last decade or so is reaching its end and I'm moving - slowly - over to Mike Lull basses.
The band is 'Who Killed Nancy Johnson?'. We're on Spotify/Apple etc. P
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