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Greg Bailey
Posted: 03/17/2006 at 8:53 PM Post subject: Travis Bean Project |
I have an original Travis Bean Standard body and I will be using it to build a Travis Bean guitar. I have done this before and it has turned out great both times. If anyone is interested in this guitar, I can make it any way you'd like it. I can use a rosewood, phenolic or aluminum fingerboard and various inlays. I don't have original Travis Bean pickups, but I can mount other pickups without altering the original Travis Bean body. You can see the other Travis Bean copies I've made at my site : http://hometown.aol.com/gbailey842/main.html If interested, email me at gggcbbb@yahoo.com
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Posted: 03/19/2006 at 4:21 AM Post subject: RE:Travis Bean Project |
Hey Greg, I've got one of your creations... A Bean body with one of your custom necks. It sounds and feels amazing, but it is virtually unplayable live. For the later, thinner bodies, you have to hollow out the neck, or it's so neck-heavy it is unplayable. You can not play it standing up without holding it with your fretting hand. If you let go, it will drop to the floor.
Just something to consider for your future projects...
Cheers Mark
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Greg Bailey
Posted: 03/19/2006 at 9:16 PM Post subject: RE:Travis Bean Project |
My projects are VERY flexible as far as what the customer wants, if a hollow neck is what some one is interested in, I'd be glad to make it that way.
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