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Posted: 06/05/2007 at 2:22 AM Post subject: Looking for TB500 Pickgaurd |
Posted this in the Mods/Repair section as well...
I've finally decided to repair my 500 and get her back up to playing speed... so for that I need a new pickgaurd. Obviously I would like an authentic Travis Bean pickgaurd, so if anyone happens to have an extra one or is willing to remove one off of their guitar and send it to me then great. Since I highly doubt this will happen I am willing to accept a new re-made one. I still have the old one, but it is damaged beyond use. It is, however still good for a template for a new one.
Any leads towards this would be nice. I've already tried some dude in Portland, who will remain unamed, who tried to make me a new one but failed miserably, so any help would be good.
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