Calling all Bean owners... calling all Bean owners!!!!!
I want to let everyone know about a brand new site. It's called and it's informational hub / portal about aluminum neck guitars and basses! The reason why I want you to know about this site, is that it has a great review section for reviewing specific models. Of course, Travis Beans are listed on the site. I think it would be a great service to perspective Travis Bean owners to see how existing owners feel about their guitar or bass. The review takes five minutes... talk about a simple easy way to brag about your axe.
The site also has the classic manufacturers, and new up and coming ones as well. Kramer, Veleno, Vaccaro and Travis Beans are the classics listed, but it also lists ABC Systems and Electrical Guitar Company, which is fantastic. So I want to give a shout out to people using those guitars as well.. put in a review. I think this can be a real help for these new companies to help get the word out.
So help spread the word.
Phew... working on the Bean site is hard work. Why not buy me a beer so I can cool off? If this site has been helpful in finding or selling your Bean, or increased your knowledge of this great guitar/bass, how about buying me a beer? (Suggested: $3 a beer or $7.50 for a pitcher)
Submitted on 10/22/2006 at 10:26 AM
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