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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 76
Posted: 04/29/2008 at 11:02 PM Post subject: The Groovy '70s |
I graduated high school in 1974 so I remember the '70s very well. Those were stylin' times! Just check out the picture of TB his own bad self! http://img140.imageshack......140/6571/tbletter1jr5.jpg
This is a letter I found in my brothers stuff. It was in an envelope addressed to Gray's House of Music in W. Memphis, Arkansas, and marked "Return to Sender". Postmarked 20 Sept. 1978. Yes, TB would come to your shop and demonstrate the TB guitars.
Here is the flip side. All the bands and artists that were playing TB guitars and basses! http://img72.imageshack.u.....g72/8546/tbletter2oq8.jpg
How eclectic a group is this, The Dead, Jefferson Starship, Ronnie Montrose and ............ Dinah Shore's Band??
Cheers, Kurt
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Joined: 24 Dec 2007
Posts: 260
Posted: 04/29/2008 at 11:50 PM Post subject: RE:The Groovy '70s |
The Beach Boys?!?! I guess it was the late 70s. Still, pretty awesome. Thanks for this Obie, your collection is turning out to be a major resource in uncovering this history!
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