Black, Thick body, narrow horns. I found a few Pics of my guitar before the 80s took it's toll! It's a sad story. I bought it brand new, I believe it was 1977 but may be off a year or so. The first few pics show i've already pulled the pickups, Why? Who knows!
Pic-3 I included because you can barely see the bass player who is playing a Bean Bass! This was a total coincidence as we didn't know each other before this band. Notice the fire extinguisher on the drums! Thats for a reason, see the homemade flash-pots in the coffee can next to my head!
Pic-4 is the only one I can find that shows the full damage I managed to do! Kahler trem professionally installed by a wonderful luther who probobly still has nightmares about the 80s. My pickguard just fell off on stage one night! I had it in a box that I now can't seem to find.
Pic-5 New Body. It currently has a Wide horn / Thick Koa body that I picked up on ebay a few years back. It's one of the leftovers, no strap or rear cover plate holes drilled.
Pic-6 & 7 are the original body with Kahler hole, and finish stripped. (Feel my pain!)
Pic-8 & 9 Are the neck Pickup shown with the cover off. I know a lot of you may be interested in seeing this. After I tried to restore my Bean, this pickup was dead when i put it back in. I decided to open it up but could not fix it..
For years I couldn't play another guitar, It made my marshall sound like it was modified with more gain or something. Every other guitar sounded dead in comparison. I used to put a blow-dryer on the neck to try and get it to room temperature before we went on stage! Cold midwest!