Pearl White finish. Original case intact. Information below from a message I rec'd from Frank K. some years back.
pics coming.
Originally listed at site (no longer available)
Information from EZBoard thread
Frank K. worked at Travis Bean Guitars as well as Charlie Pelland
"DISCLAIMER: This was 25 years ago & some recollections may not be 100% accurate. I assume we're talking about the wedge I described with 3 mini-toggles that controlled coil tap, phasing & booster. It was made for Charlie Pelland who did final assembly of all guitars & basses. The mark on your headstock was from a malfunction of the serial# stamping apparatus which distorted the numerals. Charlie was a little disheartened to have brought the guitar along that far, only to have it "autographed" on the home stretch. I suspect what you're describing was a later attempt to camoflague over the number 13. It WAS the 3rd, AFTER the prototype. I don't believe that Travis had a hand in that one. My wedge, #11, is dated 3/1/76 when Travis signed it, so yours is its slightly younger sister. (same production run - effectively its twin) Don't remember why Chuck didn't have TB sign his. Does the booster still work? It's a clone of an electro-harmonix LPB-II. I had made one for myself & after Charlie heard it, he asked if I could shoehorn one into his guitar. Logistically, I thought it was not a great idea to have it IN the guitar, but I enjoyed the challenge. Extremely primitive by today's standards.
What are the chances of posting some pics of both the front side with the switches & the back with the cover plate off so's we can see the innards. If memory serves, the booster was a 9v battery, 4 resistors, 2 capacitors, a gain pot and a transistor, threaded through a small plastic perforated board. Didn't those switches have little mini-spheres on the ends? Never seen any others like them. We didn't want to clutter up the front of the guitar with a booster gain knob, so we opted to mount it through the rear cover plate. Charlie cut the shaft off down to the nub, radiused & polished what remained, and cut a slot across the shaft so a screwdriver could be used to set gain. We probably debated & rejected the idea of simply using 2 resistors in series in place of the gain pot. Looking back, that might have been the ticket. Because I didn't want yet another switch sticking out somewhere, I wired the dc power & boost activate to the same DPDT switch and admonished Charlie as I now admonish you, "turn the booster switch OFF (down?) when not in use or you'll drain the 9v battery."
Didn't Charlie also have custom engraved pickup covers on that axe? By which I mean "TRAVIS BEAN" in block letters rather than "stick" letters. Because the stock covers were stamped from stainless steel, it was cost & process prohibitive to adorn them with anything beyond the utilitarian & somewhat plain stick letters
The cult of TB site says your wedge was formerly owned by Don Dokken."