Bottomless Pit.. thank God
It's funny how influences and relations can guide your interests. For me, Travis Bean guitars is so related to my past and hometown pride. Growing up I remember going through a huge Big Black phase. I was literally obsessed with the band, never heard anything like it.. and couldn't get enough of it. Then one day I read an interview with Steve Albini (I believe in Maxiumum R'n'R) and he mentioned that he was from my hometown and some of the songs (Kerosene, Cables and Fish Fry) were referencing that.
Now, the town I live in is small, not a big 'city' by no means. I felt a certain kinship with Albini, which being from a small town, can offer. So the years go by, I was saddened by the 'last blast' of Big Black, but was excited about Rapeman.. and finally Shellac. In 1997, Shellac came to the same hometown (which I believe is the first time Albini has played this town since he graduated highschool). The show was awesome.. tiny bar.. loud rock... what more do you want? But I couldn't take my eyes of the guitar and bass. What they hell is up with the cut out 'T'.. what's the deal with the metal neck?? So, I started doing research and found out that he started playing Travis Beans, and at that point I thought it would be awesome to own one.
Also during this time, one of my favorite bands Silkworm was playing around. Joe Phelps just left the band and they were pushing the three piece lineup which I was absolutely loving!! Coincidentally, Tim and Andy (and Joel) are from from the same damn town as well. Tim was playing the TB4000 wedge and the TB1000S converted to baritone that sounded fantastic. Again, these Beans seem to be popping up, and I wanted in on the action. I loved the tones I was hearing and knew I can add a new burst of flavor for my band by adding this ingredient.
Now 1998/1999 eBay was around, but the volume of Beans on eBay was considerably less, and more importantly, when you did find them they were somewhat affordable. In 1999 I finally found the 'one'. The one that said this guitar must be mine, no matter what. At the end of the auction I was pleased to find I was the high bid at $1100. My first Travis Bean. A standard.. which I still refer to as my 'baby'. It's only treated me right. Never breaks down. Electronics sound perfect. It's just a great great guitar.
So when I think of Albini.. Silkworm.. Jesus Lizard.. Sonic Youth... I just have to say 'thanks' for sparking my interest in this guitar.
So what's up with the Blog title?? Well, if you're a Silkworm fan, you know that there can never be a Silkworm again. Luckily Tim and Andy decided to continue to make music.. 'Thank You!'. They formed Bottomless Pit from the ashes of the 'worm'. I just visited the site lastnight and downloaded the MP3s, and they're wonderful. Please visit their site, give them a listen.. and give them your support.
Since, I'm talking about the 'pit', Tim sold his Beans (man.. I wish I got a hold of him before he did.. so I could buy them), he hooked up with Electrial Guitar Company and had them create some instruments for them. My thoughts... the Pit MP3s sound great.. the Electricals sound great. Talking with Electrical and Tim I was convinced to give one a shot. I had them create a Electrical Standard with split coils.. it sounds incredible.
Phew... working on the Bean site is hard work. Why not buy me a beer so I can cool off? If this site has been helpful in finding or selling your Bean, or increased your knowledge of this great guitar/bass, how about buying me a beer? (Suggested: $3 a beer or $7.50 for a pitcher)
Submitted on 09/20/2006 at 9:17 AM
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