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Joined: 03 Jan 2009
Posts: 5
Posted: 09/30/2009 at 8:18 PM Post subject: TB500 wiring, caps and PU mounting |
I was hoping somebody might be able to help me with a few questions I have about my Bean.
First off, mine doesn't have stock PU's but a previous owner had some nice custom P90's made. I've had this guitar for years but I only recently found that the bridge pickup wasn't secured to the neck properly when I noticed it moving while I was changing strings. I took off the scratchplate to find that while the neck pickup is secured, the bridge one seems to be missing a metal mounting plate of some kind (or at least this is what looks to holding the neck PU on). Does anyone have any pics or info on the screws that secure the pickups as it looks as though the bridge ones have been cut back at some point. I just need to know what I'm missing so I can get it back in place properly.
Secondly, while I had the plate off I had a good look at the wiring just to see if anything else was different and I noticed that it doesn't look *exactly* the same as some of the 500 pics in the gallery. For a start I seem to be missing a cap and the other cap that *is* there doesn't seem to be the big orange type present in some of the gallery pics.
I was hoping somebody might be able to take a look at the wiring and and perhaps give some guidance as to what to do to get this back to a more original state. Is there anything else in there that doesn't look stock? The pots maybe? I've had a sneaking suspicion that they may have been swapped out by a previous owner. I find the volume pot has a strange taper to it where if I roll it off to about 8-9 the volume gets very quiet very quickly and anything below about 6 is pretty much off! It never really bothered me before as I tend to play with it full up most of the time but I'd just like to know. Also if the tone pot has been changed I'm curious as to how a stock spec one might sculpt the tone differently.
Am I right in thinking that the missing cap is the one responsible for treble bleed?
http://i653.photobucket.c.....259/acktopus/DSCF1702.jpg http://i653.photobucket.c.....259/acktopus/DSCF1703.jpg
The soldering looks pretty horrifying but I can only hold my hands up and say 'it wasn't me'!
There is a nice pic of #76's wiring in the gallery and as you can see it's a little different.
Lastly, I have looked about but if anyone could provide a definitive list of what kind of pots (value and taper) and caps (values and manufacturer if it's actually important) went into the 500 model I'd really appreciate it.
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