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Joined: 25 Aug 2008
Posts: 4
Posted: 08/25/2008 at 1:29 PM Post subject: TB2000 |
Hi! I'm new in this forum, I actually aquired a TB2000 bass (#5** don't remember the other two digits, and can't be read in the pictures I take), I buy it veeery cheap (I'll reserve the price, it's really low) but it has some details... It's not in perfect state, and I'ld like to restore it but I don't know if there in Mexico i can get the parts needed... I think only the knobbs are missing. The color is white but I don't know if that's the original or it's recently painted. Some pictures:
Any recomendations?
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Joined: 25 Aug 2008
Posts: 4
Posted: 08/25/2008 at 3:22 PM Post subject: RE:TB2000 |
Okay just to fill the info, the number is #417
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