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Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay

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01 Jun 2001
Posts: 1266
PostPosted: 07/09/2007 at 10:47 PM    Post subject: Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

Nice lookin' white standard on eBay right now. White finish

Starting bid $2000, no reserve.

Good luck!

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29 Feb 2008
Posts: 182
PostPosted: 07/10/2007 at 11:27 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

wheres gallo?

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PostPosted: 07/12/2007 at 11:15 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

jeesh this one's already up to 3k and still has 7 days left.

the number of solid color beans the past 6 months on ebay makes me suspicious that there must be alot of koa refins being passed off as factory paint jobs. but it doesn't seem like a refin devalues a bean the way it would a 61 strat. maybe that's because it's the same percentage of a smaller overall value?

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03 May 2007
Posts: 324
PostPosted: 07/12/2007 at 11:02 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

-Post removed by request of the author-

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04 Feb 2004
Posts: 309
PostPosted: 07/13/2007 at 9:08 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

Damn Vincent. That's an impressive collection of Beans. I hope you will post photos in the database so we can admire (and drool).

I'm resigned to being content with my solitary 1000S. But I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of a black EGC custom 500. A few big time players are starting to appear on stage and in videos with their EGC guitars including Steve Albini. For those who are priced out of the vintage Bean market but still want a metal neck guitar it sure looks like EGC is a good option - although they are approaching $2K. I know our admin has one. I'll give a full report once I get mine and have a chance to play it. One does have to have patience as this is a really small manufacturer so it takes 3 - 4 months once an order is placed. My sense is that Kevin and Co. are working extremely hard to produce high quality aluminum instruments.

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01 Jun 2001
Posts: 1266
PostPosted: 07/13/2007 at 9:38 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

boulder - "I know our admin has one. I'll give a full report once I get mine and have a chance to play it. One does have to have patience as this is a really small manufacturer so it takes 3 - 4 months once an order is placed. My sense is that Kevin and Co. are working extremely hard to produce high quality aluminum instruments."

Yep.. I have a EGC Standard. Love it, but recently, I've been playing the ass out of my TB1000S again. They're similar but two definitely different beasts. I've been eye balling the EGC Custom for a while, but I'm just not in a position to pick one up yet. I did just see that Albini switched to the EGC Custom for Shellac.. that's huge.


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PostPosted: 07/13/2007 at 11:21 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

i've gushed about kevin's work plenty, his guitars do sound amazing. the neck on the one I plaid was really, really thin, i can imagine it takes some getting used to, but i can also imagine a guitarist not being able to go back once they get used to it.

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PostPosted: 07/13/2007 at 12:17 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

it has been extremely hard for me to hold out and keep saving money for a Bean and not just buy an EGC. they are beautiful, the recordings i have heard sound remarkable, and Kevin is just a super nice, down to earth guy to talk to. It is very easy to wish the absolute best for him and his company. I just hope they continue making guitars for a long time so i can order a custom someday.

i have heard about the thin necks, but i don't personally think that would effect me or most people that have spent some time playing stringed intstruments. most of us on here and other people purchasing these awesome instruments have probably played guitar, bass, and many other stringed instruments over the years, i am sure it is just something to get used to. i love checking the pictures on his myspace. unbelievable stuff.

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29 Feb 2008
Posts: 182
PostPosted: 07/13/2007 at 12:41 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

how are you finding these guitars vincent? especially off of ebay. thats an excellent collection. entirely unneccessary but excellent. Whatever, the wedges look awesome. Also, does anyone in pearl jam own a bean? i only ask because ive got one of their boots where vedder speaks fondly of you, and i like them alot and they seem to have a fine collection of vintage gear between them.

on the subject of the egc, i have a custom 500 that is nice but i think perhaps im playing a different guitar to the one everyone describes sometimes. id suggest that people get the flat radius rather than a degree one as mine has alot of choke on the strings, which seems to be a design floor on a guitar meant to sustain. And please dont start attacking me here im not trying to upset anyone. overall though great guitar.

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04 Feb 2004
Posts: 309
PostPosted: 07/13/2007 at 2:42 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

Too late. I already ordered a radius fretboard.

It sounds like your EGC guitar needs bridge adjustments and/or possibly a new nut, Holmes. Assuming the neck is straight you should be able to eliminate any string choke. I've read your comments on the EGC's on other sites and you're one of the few people who will publicly state any dissatisfaction with the instrument. That's cool. You're entitled and I'm not going to bash you for stating an honest opinion. If you're really disappointed with the guitar, I'm sure you can sell it and at least make your money back.

I ended up replacing the nut on my Bean after I got it because it wouldn't stay in tune. It turns out the nut was the problem. I know it's sacrilege to modify a sacred Travis Bean and diminishes the value, etc. I'm a player and I want a guitar that plays and sounds great. I had the guitar set up with the Buzz Feiten nut an tuning system and it is perfect now and the harmonics up the neck are spectacular. I'll do the same on the EGC if necessary.

Let's not forget that many people didn't care for Travis Bean's when they first came out. There were a lot of negative reviews. No doubt those contributed to the eventual demise of the company. Kevin and EGC are trying to take aluminum instruments the next step by combining some of the design elements of Bean and Veleno. I've never seen our touched one in person, but I was impressed enough with the photos personal reviews from folks (like our Admin) who played both an EGC and a Bean to plunk down my $$ and buy one. Kevin is the first person since Travis Bean and Kramer to take stab at building a guitar company around an aluminum neck instrument. There are a few other small builders out there I guess, but their instruments are few and far between.

With my forthcoming EGC I'm hoping for a great playing instrument that sounds and plays differently from my 1000S, but that still retains many of the elements that make a Bean such a great guitar.

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29 Feb 2008
Posts: 182
PostPosted: 07/14/2007 at 5:59 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

i wouldnt ever say that i thought kevin making these instruments is a bad idea, and im certainly not 'very dissapointed with it'. in fact id say that kevin is the owner of the most trust worthy guitar company currently operating in the world, pleasure to deal with, great guy, making beautiful instruments that few other companys are doing at the moment. Id do it all again too. im just saying the guitar, to me at least has some issues that should have been sorted. I find it ridiculous that i was attacked for addressing issues that had no need to be on the guitar. i think the reason why i started voicing my opinion was because i read people saying their egc was the best thing they ever played, better than beans etc and anyone who said otherwise was verbally attacked. I thought it was unfair that everyone was getting told this thing sounds just like a 500 and better at that, that when, in my case at least, it really doesnt sound to simarlar. However, the guitar is INCREDIBLE bang for buck but it was just a shame that i have to get new bridges and nuts etc to get the thing to work properly - its so well built that cutting these corners seemed a real waste. It most certainly is the nut thats the problem though. For anyone ordering, if i were you id ask for the humbuckers and a brass bridge, and then im sure you would have a guitar that was at least completly on par with a bean if not even more fearsome.

anyway back on subject, do pearl jam own any travis beans vincent?

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28 Feb 2007
Posts: 24
PostPosted: 07/14/2007 at 7:34 AM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

I sold my TB1000S after I got my EGC500, the Bean couldn't even compare. I've got a bass on order from Kevin, and as soon as I get it, I will be selling my TB2000 as well.

If the Beans were still selling at their old prices I wouldn't mind hanging on to a few, but they are just getting too expensive for me now. Peronally, I would feel very uncomfortable spending $5500 on a TB500.

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PostPosted: 07/16/2007 at 1:34 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

I wish ECG would make a 24.75" scale model. This is the only thing that kept me from buying one, and going with TB clone instead.

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04 Feb 2004
Posts: 309
PostPosted: 07/16/2007 at 1:49 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

What do you see as the relative advantages or disadvantages of a 25.5" scale vs. l 24.75" or 24.5"? I realize this is the old Stratocaster vs. Les Paul discussion.

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PostPosted: 07/16/2007 at 2:25 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

24.75" scale is a looser feel, It's more comfortable for me.

I won't buy a guitar that is 25.5"

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01 Jun 2001
Posts: 1266
PostPosted: 07/19/2007 at 9:18 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

Wow... ended at $5,255.


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04 Jul 2007
Posts: 29
PostPosted: 07/19/2007 at 9:30 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

yea, ******* eh...
ebay and peoples crazy ass last second bidding. sometimes its like the first 6 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 55 seconds dont really have much bearing on the final price. $5000 mark is still here, at least for the colors i guess. sure was a pretty one. who got it?


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20 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: 07/19/2007 at 10:35 PM    Post subject: RE:Travis Bean TB1000S #640 on eBay link

Don't know, but based on his previous purcheses it is a major Deadhead....."YIPEE!"

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