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Joined: 18 Sep 2001
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Posted: 11/14/2009 at 1:02 AM Post subject: RE:think gallo is driving the price up on this? |
This thread should probably be shifted across to the 'Beans for sale' area - not to be too picky or anything!
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Joined: 18 Sep 2001
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Posted: 11/14/2009 at 1:05 AM Post subject: RE:think gallo is driving the price up on this? |
I will say this, though, Vincent Gallo cannot be accused of 'driving up the price' of this particular guitar - after all, it's a 'no reserve' auction - so it would require at least two bidders to do what you suggest. This one has a way to run yet, I think.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2007
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Posted: 11/14/2009 at 9:31 AM Post subject: RE:think gallo is driving the price up on this? |
Anyone who's been on ebay for more than a week knows that you don't bid on an item until the last 10 seconds. Unless you're playing games of manipulation... this IS capitalism of course. Why would anyone want to drive the price up?
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Joined: 29 Jul 2008
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Posted: 11/14/2009 at 9:38 AM Post subject: RE:think gallo is driving the price up on this? |
I wouldn't say anyone is driving the price up on this particular guitar. This is one of the most interesting Travis Bean guitars I have ever seen and it's undoubtedly going to go for a lot. An incredibly desirable model, completely mint and unmolested, with three pickups and never assembled? The body is incredible...has never been drilled for a strap button or pick guard...just fitted with a neck and routed. This is any TB enthusiast's dream, provided they are comfortable with some tools and a soldering iron, as it is a real opportunity to 'build your own' TB 500 from all original, immaculate parts.
I love just looking at the pictures of this guitar...And seeing it in this condition now just goes to show that anything could be out there. Frankly I was very surprised that the beautiful Keith Richards 5 string that Kurt was selling didn't fetch a much higher bid.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that when it comes to guitars of this rarity, I don't think anyone is trying to drive prices even higher. I would be very surprised if Vincent didn't go all out bidding for this guitar, as he is one of the most able and dedicated TB collectors around, and this is an ultimately collectible guitar.
And, come on everybody, Vincent did make this forum a bit more exciting to read. He is great at getting you just pissed off enough... that annoyance turns to interest and then you're checking the forum 25 times a day! I agree that he could be a dick sometimes...but plenty of folks like that are still here posting freely. And I thought that the stories he shared from the collectors end of people trying to rip him off and gouge him were very interesting. And we did all benefit a bit from his expertise of handling hundreds of TBs. He could spot a refin or crooked deal a mile off.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2005
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Posted: 11/14/2009 at 3:43 PM Post subject: RE:think gallo is driving the price up on this? |
This is the most rediculious question I have heard in a while. Anyone who is bidding any time up to a minute before the auction ends either does not understand how ebay works or is throwing in a low-ball bid "just in case". That or else they just want to jack the price up for some stupid reason, maybe out of spite. Who ever is bidding these super high prices must simply want the guitar to sell for a large amount for whatever reason. Common sense should tell you that to win an item at the lowest price you need to bid as close to the end of auction as possible. That's where these programs like bid-snipe and bidnapper come in very handy. For a small fee they will automatically place your bid with less than 5 seconds to go in the auction. Even if you don't use one of these programs, it is obvious that bidding early or any time within a minute of close of auction is just going to inflate the price. A last second bidder is going to win this guitar, As for Mr. gallo bidding up the price, that is just nonsense. I'm sure he wants the guitar badly and I know that he has the sense not to bid until the remaining 10 seconds or less. There would be no reason for him to inflate the price. Like I say, all these bidders have low amounts of transactions on their account. So, either they don't know how to give yourself the best chance of paying the lowest price or they just want to inflate the price. I would be speculating but maybe they have a motive to see the guitar sell for a lot of money. I hope that all made sense. To give yourself the best chance of winning at the lowest price, you need to wait until the final moments. people throwing out bids of $10,000 days before the end of auction are either wanting to see the guitar sell for a high price or they simply don't know what they are doing. That's what I think anyways.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2001
Posts: 65
Posted: 11/14/2009 at 5:57 PM Post subject: RE:think gallo is driving the price up on this? |
Everyone has their favourite auctinon tactics, but by definition, it is difficult to know which is the more effective, as an auction always goes to the person who bids the most, regardless of how and when a bid is placed. No one has been willing (or interested?) in saying how much this guitar is worth, so unless you are going to say this is an $x-00 guitar in the market, debate about getting it for a 'low' price or not is entirely relative.
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