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Lastnight I had an opportunity to see the Melvins and was pleasantly delighted to see Porn (The Men Of). I had a chance to talk "Beans" with Tim Moss and hear his TB1000S #208 make some nasty noises on stage (phew.. which I was liking real bad). Tim has a few other Beans which aren't all in the database yet.. we're all lookin forward to seeing those entries which includes a TB3000! Anyway, nice chattin' with ya Tim.

If you got a Bean, and I see you on stage.. I'll try to do my best contacting you. It's always a blast talking about Beans.

On that note, if you know of any bands or musicians that play Beans, please let me know. I'm always looking to populate the 'Bean Bands' database located to the left. It will only show five bands at a time randomly. If the band is a lesser known or new band it would be great to see an image with them playing a Bean so I can confirm it's a legit Bean band.

Phew... working on the Bean site is hard work. Why not buy me a beer so I can cool off? If this site has been helpful in finding or selling your Bean, or increased your knowledge of this great guitar/bass, how about buying me a beer? (Suggested: $3 a beer or $7.50 for a pitcher)

Submitted on 09/17/2006 at 2:09 PM
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